Oulu Entrepreneurship Society

We promote entrepreneurial mindset, community and culture in Oulu.

We encourage, educate and connect individuals through entrepreneurship. We want to help individuals to develop themselves, take ideas from dreams into creation and to build and expand their networks. Being an entrepreneur is so much more than owning and running a business and OuluES strives to help our members uncover and navigate their path towards entrepreneurship. We are a student organization that aims to inspire and help people think with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Our goals

We want to be the first step on your journey towards entrepreneurship and working life. To join our events and activities, you do not need to have a business ID nor desire to found your company in the next two weeks. The most important things are to have the desire to learn new skills, build, and expand networks, and try new things.
We welcome all people from entrepreneurs to students from different fields and backgrounds.


In our events you will meet people from various backgrounds and countries. This will help you when building your career.

03. TRY

We believe in learning by doing. Our activities allow you to try new things and get sh*t done.


Our programs help you to find your strengths and recognize your skills. You will learn something that you would not learn in a classroom.  


We make sure that our events will give you positive energy and good vibes.

How to get involved?

Our events are open for everyone and you are welcome to join us! If you want to get involved in doing, join first as a member and then contact our current board. We are happy to have you help us promoting our cause.
Remember to follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram and also subscribe to our newsletter – we will keep you updated, what is going on!

We change our board every December and then you have an excellent opportunity to be part of the board of Oulu Entrepreneurship Society.