Welcome to the Oulu Entrepreneurship Society association's statutory spring meeting on 16th of May 2018 at 17:00. The meeting will be at University of Oulu, Tellus Innovation Arena and meeting room Frost Club.
WHEN: Wednesday 16th May 2017 17:00 - 19:00
WHERE: University of Oulu, Tellus Innovation Arena, room Frost Club
RSVP: By Monday 14th May to eemeli(a)oulues.com
- Official opening of the meeting
- Organizing of the meeting (choosing chairperson, secretary, examiners of minutes)
- Stating the legality and quorum of the meeting
- Adoption of the agenda
- Presentation of the financial statement of 2017, annual report (full report available in Finnish) and comments from the auditor. Giving the freedom of responsibility to the board of 2017.
- Other topics:
- Upcoming events and projects in autumn 2018 and academic year 2018-2019
- Chances to volunteer in the events in autumn - Get involved!
- Open floor - how can we make the membership more attractive?