Welcome to the Oulu Entrepreneurship Society association's statutory autumn meeting on 12th of December 2018 at 17:00. The meeting will be at University of Oulu, Tellus Innovation Arena.
WHEN: Wednesday 12th December 2017 17:00 - 19:00
WHERE: University of Oulu, Tellus Innovation Arena, room Aspire
Official opening of the meeting
Organizing of the meeting (choosing chairperson, secretary, examiners of minutes)
Stating the legality and quorum of the meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Deciding the amount of membership fee for the year 2019
Deciding the amount of reward for the board of 2019
Presenting and deciding the action plan & budget for 2019
Choosing the chairperson of the association for 2019
Choosing the board members of the association for 2019
Choosing the auditor for the annual report and financial statement (year 2018)
Other topics
Adjourning of the meeting